Together we can make a difference

Preaching Hope & Bringing Deliverance

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All Things Are Possible

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands

Our vision

Our vision is to bring deliverance to the whole man (spirit, soul, and body) by preaching the truth by revelation. We believe that God has called us to be a voice of deliverance to this generation. We also believe if you continue in the word you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you FREE!
That’s why we go all over the world, preaching the uncompromised word of God!

Our Mission

Preaching Hope & Bringing Deliverance Reaching Our Generation

Our Ministry Does what others don't and goes where others won't.

I started my ministry unheard of and unknown. Everywhere I went in the beginning I went uninvited and unknown. I would fast and pray until God spoke to me and told me where to go. I would advertise the meeting and believe God that someone would come.
Within two years I had been invited to preach in 22 states. By the time my ministry was five years old I had preached in three foreign countries, was hosting my own telecast, and had published my first two books. The amazing thing is I had never even preached a meeting in my own home church. Finally my pastor asked me to hold a meeting in my home church. I want you to know that God will do the same thing for you if you will obey him and stay under spiritual authority.




Together As One With Christ

The Reality of The Gospel Ministries

We will fight to the end

small efforts make big change