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Hello Beloved,

I’m Leonard Ford, Senior Minister of R.O.G. Ministries. Our calling is to preach deliverance to our generation.  We are doing all we can to fulfill that call. We are preaching by way of newsletter, CDs, DVD’s and television.  We plan to add radio to our outreach very soon.  Also, we preach in tents, auditoriums and local churches, both in America and overseas.  It takes a great deal of money to do what we are doing.  That’s why we are always grateful to God for people like you, who have a mind to support out outreaches.  I want you to know that as you become an ally with this ministry, we also become allies with you.

An ally is a person that unites with another for a specific purpose. Now, my purpose is to preach a message of hope and deliverance to this generation, and see a positive change in it.  But, as your ally, I’m committed to pray for you each day.  Also, I will send you CDs, and letters that I pray will enrich your spiritual growth.

As I keep you informed of what I’m doing, and have need of, I expect you to keep me informed as to how I can pray for and better serve you.  If I can assist you in any way, Please let me know. Well thank you for your commitment to this ministry, and may God’s riches and glory always be yours!


What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you!




What We Believe

My wife Jessie and I have a vision to reach our generation with a message of hope and the ministry of deliverance.
God has called us to take deliverance to our generation. We believe that deliverance is for the whole man-spirit, soul, and body.
The bible says, “How shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach except they be sent?” 
God has called Jessie and me to the next level and phase of ministry. Therefore, it is necessary for us to enlarge our partner base. Just as Jesus’ number of disciples increased from 12 to 82 in order to expand his ministry, so we are opening our ministry to receive partners.
We are asking you to pray about becoming a partner with this ministry. We know God is calling many people to work with us in His call to take deliverance to this generation. May the grace of God abound in all your affairs.

Unity In Christ

— Partnership Benefits

As you share your heart, prayers and resources in partnership with this ministry we set ourselves in agreement with you that you will partake of the same anointing, grace, and demonstration of the gospel that is in and on this ministry acording to Philippians 1:7


1. Pray for this ministry. 2. Support this ministry financially on a monthly basis. 3. Attend the crusades in your area.


1. Pray for you daily.
2. Minister the word to you monthly.
3. Provide you with a partner discount card that gives you 20% off on all CD’s, DVD’s and books by Prophet Ford and Sister Ford.

Our Vision

We’ve worked on improving the lives of many people through ministering.

Our vision is to bring deliverance to the whole man (spirit, soul, and body) by preaching the truth by revelation. We believe that God has called us to be a voice of deliverance to this generation. We also believe if you continue in the word you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you FREE!

That’s why we go all over the world, preaching the uncompromised word of God!

What we do

We are an evangelistic organization with a focus on world missions. One of our main goals is to train and equip the next generation to reach the lost at all cost. We have created a culture of support, devotion, service, training and involvement, that we believe will deepen your faith and nurture your spirituality.






Become A Partner Today


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